The earth was created for a purpose and will not be destroyed. The news and media have reported the earth is in trouble. Problems vary from pollution, acid rain, climate change, the destruction of rainforests and wild habitats, the extinction of thousands of species...
Where do we go when we die? The Bible teaches us about this subject. Christ, the Apostles, and the prophets explain that when a person dies, they are asleep in a state of inactivity until the time of their resurrection. Some clergy explain that when someone dies, good...
Christ existed before the world Almighty God (Father) is from everlasting to everlasting (Psalm 90:2). Long before mankind’s time, God devised a plan and created His Only Begotten Son, Jesus, who was the firstborn of every creature. Together, the Father and His Son...
The 3 1/2 years to come The purpose of this study is to prove that there is a 3 ½ year time period described by the prophets. There are several scriptures that refer to a 3 ½ year time period. This 3 ½ year time is described in several different ways. In Revelation...
God has a name. Did you know that God has a name other than “God”, “Lord”, “Father”, “Almighty”, or “I Am”? Jesus Christ declared God’s name to his disciples. “And I have declared unto them thy name, and will declare it: that the love wherewith thou hast loved me may...
What is True Love? Our God requires us to love him and each other. It is not an optional or selective Christian service. Our God is a jealous God and wants all of our love, not half-hearted love or only when it is convenient. Love has to be shared with others. Give...
Why Do We Pray? This is an introductory study about the topic of prayer. The Bible teaches us why we should pray, what we should pray for, and how we should pray. Prayer is the unique and special way that we are able to communicate with our Creator. It is a special...
What is a Soul? You are a soul. The soul is another word for an individual, whether a living or dead soul. For example at the creation of Adam: he did not receive a soul, he became one. A soul has its own personality that characterizes that individual from others. As...
The Good News, or the Gospel The gospel is the good news that Jesus Christ died for our sins and rose again, and that there is no condemnation for those who believe. The word “gospel” comes from the Greek word evangelion, which means “good...
Who are the Saints? You might be familiar with the Lord’s prayer which asks for us to pray for God’s kingdom to come. What does that mean? Is it just referring to the Almighty’s kingdom? Or is there more to the story? Indeed, the kingdom that will come includes a very...
Everyone will be resurrected The Concordance definition for resurrection means “Rising to life”. (#386) “What happens to you when you die? Jesus Christ speaks of the dead as sleeping. When a person dies, their thoughts perish. They no longer have any memory, thoughts,...
Satan is not a myth But, Satan is taught differently than what the Bible teaches. Satan was created as a beautiful angel also known as Lucifer [1]. Almighty God gave him the job to be a caretaker of the earth. He believed he could be worshipped like the Almighty God...
God sent His only Son to teach us the way to eternal life. Jesus Christ taught many things. The most important lesson from Jesus is knowing who His Father is and the glory given to Jesus the Christ to be our mediator to His Father. Jesus Christ tells us the following...
The Church What is a church to you? Perhaps you think about a childhood experience, or traveling to see an architecturally appealing structure in a different country. Actually, did you know that a church is not a building? Simply put, a church is an assembly of people...
How do we prepare for the return of Jesus Christ? This is the first of our top 25 studies. Our first topic is about being prepared for Christ’s return. Most people have heard of Jesus Christ. History has confirmed that Christ, which means the anointed one, appeared on...
God’s New Covenant Almighty God has written His laws in the hearts and minds of Christians through His Spirit. “But now He has obtained a more excellent ministry, inasmuch as He is also Mediator of a better covenant, which was established on better promises.”...
The Holy Spirit is a gift from God The Holy Spirit is the Spirit from Almighty God that He puts in mankind. Through His Holy Spirit in us, He and His Son Jesus Christ dwell in us. This study helps you understand: What is the Holy Spirit? Why do we need the Holy...
Who is Babylon? The following Bible Study analyzes how the nation of Israel grew and the allegory behind the prophecy in Ezekiel 16 affirms that YHWH יהוה views Jerusalem’s behavior as harlotry. Her unrepentant heart is detestable to YHWH יהוה and she will be held...
Christ, Apostles, and Prophets are true ministers of God. Jesus Christ, the apostles, and the prophets were inspired to write down the words that the Holy Spirit gave them. Minister: according to the Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance Greek reference 1249 – to run on...
What is Almighty God’s will for me and humankind? Why does it matter that we learn, understand, and do God’s will? God describes His will in multiple ways in the Bible. His people must study the Bible to learn of His will. It is important to know His will so that you...