The Good News, or the Gospel
The gospel is the good news that Jesus Christ died for our sins and rose again, and that there is no condemnation for those who believe. The word “gospel” comes from the Greek word evangelion, which means “good news”.

Learn the good news.
In this study you will learn that Jesus Christ brought a message of good news (gospel). Jesus Christ preached a specific gospel – not about Himself, but “the gospel, or good news of the kingdom of God. He came proclaiming the good news that God’s Kingdom would come and restore all things (Acts 3:19-21).
The kingdom of God is known as a theocracy. It is ruled by God with Jesus Christ as the King. “Thy kingdom come” is a powerful phrase used in Christian prayer, as Jesus Christ taught his followers in Matthew 6:9-10. The apostles wrote about God’s Kingdom, as did the prophets of the Old Testament. Jesus, God’s Son, came to preach about it.
We look forward to the Kingdom as we learn God’s will for His people’s future, both in heaven and on earth. Some important points about God’s new kingdom are:
- The good news of the Kingdom of God is about the promise of a righteous way of life unlike what we are living in today’s world with corruption, greed, and death.
- All of what Jesus Christ taught provides the message on how humans can be saved from the penalty of sin and receive eternal life through Jesus Christ’s death.
- When God, with the help of His Son Christ Jesus, establishes the new kingdom, all the corrupt governments that exist in the world today will be replaced by God’s new Kingdom. God’s new Kingdom will rule over both the heavens and the earth for eternity, with complete perfection, peace, unity, and righteousness.
Study 02: The Good News, or the Gospel
Luke 4:43
Jesus came to fulfill God’s purpose of teaching us about His Kingdom.
Isaiah 9:6,7
The prophet Isaiah spoke of Jesus Christ, the King of God’s government.
Daniel 2:44
God of heaven will set up a Kingdom that will last forever.
Matthew 6:33
Jesus Christ’s commandment to us is to make God’s Kingdom a priority. Study and learn and find out all you can about the Kingdom of God. Learn and prove what righteousness is and how to perform it so that you may be a help to Christ’s purpose of setting up a new Kingdom.
Matthew 24:14
The good news is the gospel of the Kingdom of God. And you can be a part of it.
Additional references for further research:
- Romans 10:15
- John 3:16
- Isaiah 52:7
- Isaiah 61:1-3
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